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Component Traceability System:  Design and Implementation of a Global Data Collection System



In today's global economy each component is manufactured in the location of lowest cost. The diagram below shows one of the many possible ways gadget with Serial Number 1234 could have been made.

Its sub assemblies D-A, C and B were made in Thailand and Malaysia and then sent to the US for final assembly, testing and packaging. 

Sub Assemblies are manufactured both by international branches of the company and subcontractors. For this reason, the information systems often do not communicate properly or have real-time accurate data


The customer returned this malfunctioning gadget. The Quality Control Lab determined the failure was caused by a defective chip in component A. As a result, all assemblies made with the defective lot of chip A must be recalled. 

How many other gadgets contain this defective chip?  What are their Serial Numbers?


The complete design and deployment of a global data collection system that allowed engineers to scan the Serial Number of the gadget from any computer and obtain component data such as: lot number, manufacturer of critical components used, origin of  subassemblies, manufacturing date, etc. 

Here are a few of the projects I spearheaded in order to fully implement the Component Traceability System:

  • Standardizing bar code label of critical components (collaborating with suppliers)

  • Implementation of a tracking process in ALL manufacturing locations

  • Design and development of a data structure to allow storage and access of necessary data



  • Deployed system in 7 manufacturing locations (Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia  and USA)  

  • Designed and managed SQL data tables

  • Implemented bar code labeling of 50 critical components, reducing 50% of data collection errors at manufacturing sites 

  • Reduced data availability gap from 1 week to 12 hours

  • Created intranet page to provide live manufacturing data history per Serial Number

  • Ensured system would be maintained in all departments involved (procurement, warehouse, manufacturing, product engineering) per ISO 9000 regulations



Ana Maria Garcia


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Web site created and maintained by Ana M. Garcia

Last updated 08/01/2003